
This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.

Static Methods

ProtoChunk.create(bottomY, height) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk.getList(lists, index) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk.getPackedSectionRelative(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk.joinBlockPos(sectionRel, sectionY, chunkPos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk.raycast(start, end, context, blockHitFactory, missFactory) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


ProtoChunk(pos, upgradeData, world, biomeRegistry, blendingData) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk(pos, upgradeData, sections, blockTickScheduler, fluidTickScheduler, world, biomeRegistry, blendingData) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Fields

userdata, BlendingData instance.blendingData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Map instance.blockEntities This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Map instance.blockEntityNbts This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, ChunkNoiseSampler instance.chunkNoiseSampler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, HeightLimitView instance.heightLimitView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Map instance.heightmaps This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.needsSaving This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, ChunkPos instance.pos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, ShortList[] instance.postProcessingLists This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, ChunkSection[] instance.sectionArray This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, UpgradeData instance.upgradeData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

instance:addEntity(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addEntity(entityNbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addLightSource(chunkSliceRel, sectionY) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addLightSource(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addPendingBlockEntityNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addStructureReference(configuredStructureFeature, reference) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:areSectionsEmptyBetween(lowerHeight, upperHeight) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:countVerticalSections() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:equals(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBelowZeroRetrogen() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBiomeForNoiseGen(biomeX, biomeY, biomeZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlendingData() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockEntities() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockEntity(pos, type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockEntity(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockEntityNbt(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockEntityNbts() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockEntityPositions() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockProtoTickScheduler() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockState(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockTickScheduler() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBottomSectionCoord() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBottomY() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getCarvingMask(carver) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getClass() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDismountHeight(blockCollisionShape, belowBlockCollisionShapeGetter) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDismountHeight(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEntities() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFluidProtoTickScheduler() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFluidState(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFluidTickScheduler() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getGameEventDispatcher(ySectionCoord) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHeight() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHeightLimitView() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHeightmap(type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHeightmaps() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHighestNonEmptySection() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHighestNonEmptySectionYOffset() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getInhabitedTime() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLightSourcesBySection() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLightSourcesStream() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLuminance(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxLightLevel() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOrCreateCarvingMask(carver) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOrCreateChunkNoiseSampler(noiseColumnSampler, columnSampler, chunkGeneratorSettings, fluidLevelSampler, blender) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPackedBlockEntityNbt(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPostProcessingLists() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSection(yIndex) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSectionArray() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSectionIndex(y) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStatesInBox(box) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStatus() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStructureReferences() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStructureReferences(configuredStructureFeature) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStructureStart(configuredStructureFeature) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStructureStarts() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTickSchedulers() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTopSectionCoord() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTopY() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getUpgradeData() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasBelowZeroRetrogen() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasHeightmap(type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasStructureReferences() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hashCode() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:increaseInhabitedTime(delta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isLightOn() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isOutOfHeightLimit(y) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isOutOfHeightLimit(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:markBlockForPostProcessing(packedPos, index) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:markBlockForPostProcessing(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:needsSaving() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notify() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notifyAll() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:populateBiomes(biomeSupplier, sampler) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:raycast(context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:raycast(context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:raycastBlock(start, end, pos, shape, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeBlockEntity(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sampleHeightmap(type, x, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sectionCoordToIndex(coord) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sectionIndexToCoord(index) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBelowZeroRetrogen(belowZeroRetrogen) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBiomeIfAbsent(biomeSupplier) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBlendingData(blendingData) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBlockEntity(blockEntity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBlockState(pos, state, moved) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setCarvingMask(carver, carvingMask) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setHeightmap(type, heightmap) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setInhabitedTime(inhabitedTime) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setLightOn(lightOn) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setLightingProvider(lightingProvider) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setNeedsSaving(needsSaving) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStatus(status) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStructureReferences(structureReferences) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStructureStart(configuredStructureFeature, start) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStructureStarts(structureStarts) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toString() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:usesOldNoise() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Static Methods

ProtoChunk.create(bottomY, height)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • bottomY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • height int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, HeightLimitView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk.getList(lists, index)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • lists userdata, ShortList[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • index int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ShortList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int, short This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk.joinBlockPos(sectionRel, sectionY, chunkPos)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • sectionRel int, short This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sectionY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • chunkPos userdata, ChunkPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk.raycast(start, end, context, blockHitFactory, missFactory)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • start userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • end userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • context userdata, Object This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blockHitFactory userdata, BiFunction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • missFactory userdata, Function This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Object This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"


ProtoChunk(pos, upgradeData, world, biomeRegistry, blendingData)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, ChunkPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • upgradeData userdata, UpgradeData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, HeightLimitView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • biomeRegistry userdata, Registry This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blendingData userdata, BlendingData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
ProtoChunk(pos, upgradeData, sections, blockTickScheduler, fluidTickScheduler, world, biomeRegistry, blendingData)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, ChunkPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • upgradeData userdata, UpgradeData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sections userdata, ChunkSection[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blockTickScheduler userdata, SimpleTickScheduler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • fluidTickScheduler userdata, SimpleTickScheduler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, HeightLimitView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • biomeRegistry userdata, Registry This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blendingData userdata, BlendingData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entityNbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:addLightSource(chunkSliceRel, sectionY)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • chunkSliceRel int, short This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sectionY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:addStructureReference(configuredStructureFeature, reference)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • configuredStructureFeature userdata, ConfiguredStructureFeature This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • reference int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:areSectionsEmptyBetween(lowerHeight, upperHeight)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • lowerHeight int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • upperHeight int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 userdata, Object This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BelowZeroRetrogen This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBiomeForNoiseGen(biomeX, biomeY, biomeZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • biomeX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • biomeY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • biomeZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, RegistryEntry This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlendingData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockEntity(pos, type)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • type userdata, BlockEntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Optional This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Set This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkTickScheduler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BasicTickScheduler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • carver userdata, GenerationStep$Carver This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, CarvingMask This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Class This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDismountHeight(blockCollisionShape, belowBlockCollisionShapeGetter)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • blockCollisionShape userdata, VoxelShape This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • belowBlockCollisionShapeGetter userdata, Supplier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkTickScheduler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, FluidState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BasicTickScheduler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • ySectionCoord int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, GameEventDispatcher This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, HeightLimitView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, Heightmap$Type This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Heightmap This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Collection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkSection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ShortList[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Stream This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • carver userdata, GenerationStep$Carver This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, CarvingMask This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOrCreateChunkNoiseSampler(noiseColumnSampler, columnSampler, chunkGeneratorSettings, fluidLevelSampler, blender)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • noiseColumnSampler userdata, NoiseRouter This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • columnSampler userdata, Supplier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • chunkGeneratorSettings userdata, ChunkGeneratorSettings This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • fluidLevelSampler userdata, AquiferSampler$FluidLevelSampler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blender userdata, Blender This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkNoiseSampler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ShortList[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • yIndex int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkSection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkSection[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • box userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Stream This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkStatus This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • configuredStructureFeature userdata, ConfiguredStructureFeature This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LongSet This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • configuredStructureFeature userdata, ConfiguredStructureFeature This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, StructureStart This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Chunk$TickSchedulers This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, UpgradeData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, Heightmap$Type This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • delta int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:markBlockForPostProcessing(packedPos, index)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • packedPos int, short This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • index int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:populateBiomes(biomeSupplier, sampler)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • biomeSupplier userdata, BiomeSupplier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sampler userdata, MultiNoiseUtil$MultiNoiseSampler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, RaycastContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockHitResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, BlockStateRaycastContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockHitResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:raycastBlock(start, end, pos, shape, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • start userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • end userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • shape userdata, VoxelShape This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockHitResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sampleHeightmap(type, x, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, Heightmap$Type This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • coord int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • index int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • belowZeroRetrogen userdata, BelowZeroRetrogen This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • biomeSupplier userdata, Supplier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, RegistryEntry This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • blendingData userdata, BlendingData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • blockEntity userdata, BlockEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBlockState(pos, state, moved)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • moved boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:setCarvingMask(carver, carvingMask)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • carver userdata, GenerationStep$Carver This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • carvingMask userdata, CarvingMask This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setHeightmap(type, heightmap)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, Heightmap$Type This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • heightmap userdata, long[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • inhabitedTime int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • lightOn boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • lightingProvider userdata, LightingProvider This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • needsSaving boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • status userdata, ChunkStatus This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • structureReferences userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStructureStart(configuredStructureFeature, start)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • configuredStructureFeature userdata, ConfiguredStructureFeature This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • start userdata, StructureStart This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • structureStarts userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • arg1 int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"