Class net.minecraft.structure.OceanMonumentGenerator$DoubleYRoom

This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.

Static Fields

userdata, BlockState DoubleYRoom.AIR This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, BlockState DoubleYRoom.ALSO_PRISMARINE_BRICKS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, BlockState DoubleYRoom.DARK_PRISMARINE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.FOUR_ONE_ZERO_INDEX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Set DoubleYRoom.ICE_BLOCKS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, BlockState DoubleYRoom.PRISMARINE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, BlockState DoubleYRoom.PRISMARINE_BRICKS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, BlockState DoubleYRoom.SEA_LANTERN This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.TWO_TWO_ZERO_INDEX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.TWO_ZERO_ZERO_INDEX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, BlockState DoubleYRoom.WATER This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.ZERO_ONE_ZERO_INDEX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean DoubleYRoom.field_31607 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31608 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31609 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31610 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31611 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31612 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31613 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31614 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31615 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31616 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31617 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int DoubleYRoom.field_31618 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Static Methods

DoubleYRoom.boundingBox(pieces) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.createBox(x, y, z, orientation, width, height, depth) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.firstIntersecting(pieces, box) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.getIndex(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.getRandomHorizontalDirection(random) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.orientateChest(world, pos, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


DoubleYRoom(orientation, setting) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Fields

userdata, BlockBox instance.boundingBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.chainLength This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, OceanMonumentGenerator$PieceSetting instance.setting This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

instance:addBlock(world, block, x, y, z, box) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addBlockWithRandomThreshold(world, bounds, random, threshold, x, y, z, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addChest(world, boundingBox, random, pos, lootTableId, block) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addChest(world, boundingBox, random, x, y, z, lootTableId) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addDispenser(world, boundingBox, random, x, y, z, facing, lootTableId) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyXTransform(x, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyYTransform(y) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyZTransform(x, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canAddBlock(world, x, y, z, box) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canReplace(state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:equals(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fill(world, bounds, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillArea(world, box, x, y, z, width, height, depth, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillDownwards(world, state, x, y, z, box) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillHalfEllipsoid(world, bounds, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, block, cantReplaceAir) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillOpenings(start, holder, random) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, cantReplaceAir, random, randomizer) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, fillBox, cantReplaceAir, random, randomizer) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, fillBox, outline, inside, cantReplaceAir) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, outline, inside, cantReplaceAir) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutlineUnderSeaLevel(world, box, random, blockChance, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, outline, inside, cantReplaceAir, stayBelowSeaLevel) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:generate(world, structureAccessor, chunkGenerator, random, chunkBox, chunkPos, pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockAt(world, x, y, z, box) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBoundingBox() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getCenter() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getChainLength() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getClass() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFacing() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMirror() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRotation() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getType() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getWeightType() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hashCode() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:intersectsChunk(pos, offset) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isUnderSeaLevel(world, x, z, y, box) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:method_14774(world, box, x, z, bl) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:method_14775(box, x, i, z, j) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notify() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notifyAll() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:offsetPos(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAirAndWater(world, box, x, y, z, width, height, depth) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setOrientation(orientation) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:spawnElderGuardian(world, box, x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toNbt(context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toString() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:translate(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:writeNbt(context, nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Static Methods

This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pieces userdata, Stream This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.createBox(x, y, z, orientation, width, height, depth)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • orientation userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • width int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • height int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • depth int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.firstIntersecting(pieces, box)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pieces userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, StructurePiece This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.getIndex(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
DoubleYRoom.orientateChest(world, pos, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, BlockView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"


DoubleYRoom(orientation, setting)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • orientation userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • setting userdata, OceanMonumentGenerator$PieceSetting This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

instance:addBlock(world, block, x, y, z, box)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • block userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:addBlockWithRandomThreshold(world, bounds, random, threshold, x, y, z, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • bounds userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • threshold number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:addChest(world, boundingBox, random, pos, lootTableId, block)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, ServerWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • boundingBox userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • lootTableId userdata, Identifier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • block userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:addChest(world, boundingBox, random, x, y, z, lootTableId)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • boundingBox userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • lootTableId userdata, Identifier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:addDispenser(world, boundingBox, random, x, y, z, facing, lootTableId)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • boundingBox userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • facing userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • lootTableId userdata, Identifier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyXTransform(x, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyZTransform(x, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:canAddBlock(world, x, y, z, box)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, WorldView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 userdata, Object This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:fill(world, bounds, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • bounds userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillArea(world, box, x, y, z, width, height, depth, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • width int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • height int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • depth int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillDownwards(world, state, x, y, z, box)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillHalfEllipsoid(world, bounds, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, block, cantReplaceAir)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • bounds userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • block userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cantReplaceAir boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillOpenings(start, holder, random)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • start userdata, StructurePiece This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • holder userdata, StructurePiecesHolder This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, cantReplaceAir, random, randomizer)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cantReplaceAir boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • randomizer userdata, StructurePiece$BlockRandomizer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, fillBox, cantReplaceAir, random, randomizer)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • fillBox userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cantReplaceAir boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • randomizer userdata, StructurePiece$BlockRandomizer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, fillBox, outline, inside, cantReplaceAir)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • fillBox userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • outline userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • inside userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cantReplaceAir boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutline(world, box, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, outline, inside, cantReplaceAir)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • outline userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • inside userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cantReplaceAir boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:fillWithOutlineUnderSeaLevel(world, box, random, blockChance, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, outline, inside, cantReplaceAir, stayBelowSeaLevel)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blockChance number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • minZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxX int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxY int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxZ int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • outline userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • inside userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cantReplaceAir boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stayBelowSeaLevel boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:generate(world, structureAccessor, chunkGenerator, random, chunkBox, chunkPos, pos)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • structureAccessor userdata, StructureAccessor This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • chunkGenerator userdata, ChunkGenerator This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • chunkBox userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • chunkPos userdata, ChunkPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockAt(world, x, y, z, box)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, BlockView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Class This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockMirror This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockRotation This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, StructurePieceType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, StructureWeightType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:intersectsChunk(pos, offset)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, ChunkPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • offset int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:isUnderSeaLevel(world, x, z, y, box)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, WorldView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:method_14774(world, box, x, z, bl)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • bl boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:method_14775(box, x, i, z, j)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • i int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • j int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:offsetPos(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos$Mutable This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAirAndWater(world, box, x, y, z, width, height, depth)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • width int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • height int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • depth int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • orientation userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:spawnElderGuardian(world, box, x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, StructureWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • box userdata, BlockBox This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, StructureContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:translate(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • arg1 int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:writeNbt(context, nbt)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, StructureContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"