Class net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedPlayerManager

This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.

Static Fields

userdata, File DedicatedPlayerManager.BANNED_IPS_FILE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, File DedicatedPlayerManager.BANNED_PLAYERS_FILE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, File DedicatedPlayerManager.OPERATORS_FILE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, File DedicatedPlayerManager.WHITELIST_FILE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


DedicatedPlayerManager(server, tracker, saveHandler) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Fields

int instance.maxPlayers This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

instance:addToOperators(profile) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:areCheatsAllowed() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:broadcast(message, type, sender) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:broadcast(serverMessage, playerMessageFactory, type, sender) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canBypassPlayerLimit(profile) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:checkCanJoin(address, profile) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:createPlayer(profile) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:createStatHandler(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:disconnectAllPlayers() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:equals(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAdvancementTracker(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getClass() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getCurrentPlayerCount() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getIpBanList() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxPlayerCount() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOpList() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOpNames() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlayer(uuid) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlayer(name) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlayerList() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlayerNames() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlayersByIp(ip) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getServer() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSimulationDistance() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getUserBanList() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getUserData() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getViewDistance() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getWhitelist() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getWhitelistedNames() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hashCode() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isOperator(profile) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isWhitelistEnabled() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isWhitelisted(profile) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:loadPlayerData(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notify() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notifyAll() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onDataPacksReloaded() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onPlayerConnect(connection, player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:reloadWhitelist() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:remove(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeFromOperators(profile) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:respawnPlayer(player, alive) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:saveAllPlayerData() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:savePlayerData(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendCommandTree(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendPlayerStatus(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendScoreboard(scoreboard, player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToAll(packet) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToAround(player, x, y, z, distance, worldKey, packet) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToDimension(packet, dimension) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToOtherTeams(source, message) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToTeam(source, message) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendWorldInfo(player, world) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setCheatsAllowed(cheatsAllowed) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setMainWorld(world) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setSimulationDistance(simulationDistance) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setViewDistance(viewDistance) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setWhitelistEnabled(whitelistEnabled) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toString() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePlayerLatency() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


DedicatedPlayerManager(server, tracker, saveHandler)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • server userdata, MinecraftDedicatedServer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • tracker userdata, DynamicRegistryManager$Immutable This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • saveHandler userdata, WorldSaveHandler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • profile userdata, GameProfile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:broadcast(message, type, sender)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • message userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • type userdata, MessageType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sender userdata, UUID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:broadcast(serverMessage, playerMessageFactory, type, sender)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • serverMessage userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • playerMessageFactory userdata, Function This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • type userdata, MessageType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sender userdata, UUID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • profile userdata, GameProfile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:checkCanJoin(address, profile)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • address userdata, SocketAddress This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • profile userdata, GameProfile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • profile userdata, GameProfile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ServerStatHandler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 userdata, Object This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, PlayerAdvancementTracker This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Class This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BannedIpList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, OperatorList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, String[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • uuid userdata, UUID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • name string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, String[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • ip string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, MinecraftDedicatedServer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BannedPlayerList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Whitelist This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, String[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • profile userdata, GameProfile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • profile userdata, GameProfile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onPlayerConnect(connection, player)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • connection userdata, ClientConnection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • profile userdata, GameProfile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:respawnPlayer(player, alive)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • alive boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendScoreboard(scoreboard, player)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • scoreboard userdata, ServerScoreboard This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • packet userdata, Packet This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToAround(player, x, y, z, distance, worldKey, packet)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • distance number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • worldKey userdata, RegistryKey This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • packet userdata, Packet This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToDimension(packet, dimension)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • packet userdata, Packet This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • dimension userdata, RegistryKey This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToOtherTeams(source, message)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • message userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToTeam(source, message)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • message userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendWorldInfo(player, world)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • cheatsAllowed boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • simulationDistance int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • viewDistance int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • whitelistEnabled boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • arg1 int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"