


net.minecraft.predicate.PlayerPredicate$AdvancementCriteriaPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.PlayerPredicate$AdvancementPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.BlockPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.BlockPredicate$Builder This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.DamagePredicate$Builder This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.PlayerPredicate$Builder This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.FluidPredicate$Builder This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.StatePredicate$Builder This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.LightPredicate$Builder This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.NumberRange$CommandFactory This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.PlayerPredicate$CompletedAdvancementPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.StatePredicate$Condition This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.DamagePredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.StatePredicate$ExactValueCondition This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.NumberRange$Factory This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.NumberRange$FloatRange This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.FluidPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.NumberRange$IntRange This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.LightPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.NbtPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.NumberRange This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.PlayerPredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.StatePredicate$RangedValueCondition This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.predicate.StatePredicate This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.