Class net.minecraft.item.BannerItem

This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.

Static Fields

userdata, UUID BannerItem.ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER_ID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, UUID BannerItem.ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER_ID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Map BannerItem.BLOCK_ITEMS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
string BannerItem.BLOCK_STATE_TAG_KEY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int BannerItem.DEFAULT_MAX_COUNT This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int BannerItem.field_30888 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int BannerItem.field_30889 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Static Methods

BannerItem.appendBannerTooltip(stack, tooltip) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.byRawId(id) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.fromBlock(block) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.getBlockEntityNbt(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.getRawId(item) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.raycast(world, player, fluidHandling) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.setBlockEntityNbt(stack, blockEntityType, tag) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.writeNbtToBlockEntity(world, player, pos, stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


BannerItem(block, block2, settings) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Fields

userdata, ItemGroup This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Block instance.wallBlock This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

instance:appendBlocks(map, item) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:appendStacks(group, stacks) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:appendTooltip(stack, world, tooltip, context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:asItem() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canBeNested() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canMine(state, world, pos, miner) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canPlace(context, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canRepair(stack, ingredient) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:checkStatePlacement() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:damage(source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:equals(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:finishUsing(stack, world, user) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttributeModifiers(slot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlock() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getClass() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getColor() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDefaultStack() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDrinkSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEatSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEnchantability() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEquipSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFoodComponent() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getGroup() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getItemBarColor(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getItemBarStep(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxCount() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxDamage() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxUseTime(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMiningSpeedMultiplier(stack, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getName(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOrCreateTranslationKey() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlaceSound(state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlacementContext(context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPlacementState(context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRarity(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRecipeRemainder() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRegistryEntry() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTooltipData(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTranslationKey(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTranslationKey() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getUseAction(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasGlint(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasRecipeRemainder() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hashCode() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:inventoryTick(stack, world, entity, slot, selected) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isDamageable() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isEnchantable(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isFireproof() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isFood() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isIn(group) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isItemBarVisible(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isNbtSynced() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isNetworkSynced() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSuitableFor(state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isUsedOnRelease(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notify() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notifyAll() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onClicked(stack, otherStack, slot, clickType, player, cursorStackReference) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onCraft(stack, world, player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onItemEntityDestroyed(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStackClicked(stack, slot, clickType, player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStoppedUsing(stack, world, user, remainingUseTicks) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:place(context, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:place(context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:postHit(stack, target, attacker) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:postMine(stack, world, state, pos, miner) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:postPlacement(pos, world, player, stack, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:postProcessNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toString() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:usageTick(world, user, stack, remainingUseTicks) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:use(world, user, hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:useOnBlock(context) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:useOnEntity(stack, user, entity, hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Static Methods

BannerItem.appendBannerTooltip(stack, tooltip)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • tooltip userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • id int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • block userdata, Block This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.raycast(world, player, fluidHandling)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • fluidHandling userdata, RaycastContext$FluidHandling This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockHitResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.setBlockEntityNbt(stack, blockEntityType, tag)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blockEntityType userdata, BlockEntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • tag userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
BannerItem.writeNbtToBlockEntity(world, player, pos, stack)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"


BannerItem(block, block2, settings)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • block userdata, Block This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • block2 userdata, Block This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • settings userdata, Item$Settings This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

instance:appendBlocks(map, item)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • map userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • item userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:appendStacks(group, stacks)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • group userdata, ItemGroup This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stacks userdata, DefaultedList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:appendTooltip(stack, world, tooltip, context)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • tooltip userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • context userdata, TooltipContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:canMine(state, world, pos, miner)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • miner userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:canPlace(context, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, ItemPlacementContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:canRepair(stack, ingredient)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • ingredient userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 userdata, Object This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:finishUsing(stack, world, user)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • user userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Multimap This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Block This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Class This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, DyeColor This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, FoodComponent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemGroup This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMiningSpeedMultiplier(stack, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, ItemPlacementContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemPlacementContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, ItemPlacementContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Rarity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, RegistryEntry$Reference This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Optional This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, UseAction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:inventoryTick(stack, world, entity, slot, selected)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • slot int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • selected boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • group userdata, ItemGroup This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onClicked(stack, otherStack, slot, clickType, player, cursorStackReference)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • otherStack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • slot userdata, Slot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • clickType userdata, ClickType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cursorStackReference userdata, StackReference This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:onCraft(stack, world, player)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, ItemEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStackClicked(stack, slot, clickType, player)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • slot userdata, Slot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • clickType userdata, ClickType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStoppedUsing(stack, world, user, remainingUseTicks)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • user userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • remainingUseTicks int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:place(context, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, ItemPlacementContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, ItemPlacementContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ActionResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:postHit(stack, target, attacker)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • target userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • attacker userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:postMine(stack, world, state, pos, miner)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • miner userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:postPlacement(pos, world, player, stack, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:usageTick(world, user, stack, remainingUseTicks)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • user userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • remainingUseTicks int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:use(world, user, hand)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • user userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, TypedActionResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • context userdata, ItemUsageContext This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ActionResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:useOnEntity(stack, user, entity, hand)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • user userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • entity userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ActionResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • arg1 int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"