Class net.minecraft.entity.mob.AbstractPiglinEntity

This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.

Static Fields

number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.BASE_ENCHANTED_ARMOR_CHANCE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.BASE_ENCHANTED_MAIN_HAND_EQUIPMENT_CHANCE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.BASE_SPAWN_EQUIPMENT_CHANCE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.DEFAULT_CAN_PICKUP_LOOT_CHANCE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.DEFAULT_DROP_CHANCE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.DEFAULT_FRICTION This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.DEFAULT_MIN_FREEZE_DAMAGE_TICKS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.DEFAULT_PORTAL_COOLDOWN This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, CommandOutput AbstractPiglinEntity.DUMMY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.FALL_FLYING_FLAG_INDEX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, TrackedData AbstractPiglinEntity.FLAGS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.FREEZING_DAMAGE_INTERVAL This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.GLOWING_FLAG_INDEX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
string AbstractPiglinEntity.ID_KEY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, TrackedData AbstractPiglinEntity.IMMUNE_TO_ZOMBIFICATION This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
string AbstractPiglinEntity.LEASH_KEY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, TrackedData AbstractPiglinEntity.LIVING_FLAGS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.MAX_RIDING_COOLDOWN This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.MAX_SCOREBOARD_TAGS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.NORMAL_MONSTER_XP This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.OFF_HAND_ACTIVE_FLAG This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.ON_FIRE_FLAG_INDEX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
string AbstractPiglinEntity.PASSENGERS_KEY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, TrackedData AbstractPiglinEntity.POSE This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, EntityDimensions AbstractPiglinEntity.SLEEPING_DIMENSIONS This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.SMALL_MONSTER_XP This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.STRONGER_MONSTER_XP This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.STRONG_MONSTER_XP This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.TIME_TO_ZOMBIFY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.USING_ITEM_FLAG This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.USING_RIPTIDE_FLAG This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
string AbstractPiglinEntity.UUID_KEY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double AbstractPiglinEntity.VELOCITY_AFFECTING_POS_Y_OFFSET This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.WITHER_XP This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.ZERO_XP This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.field_29974 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.field_29991 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30063 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30067 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30068 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30069 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30070 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30071 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30072 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30073 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30074 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30075 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30076 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_30077 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int AbstractPiglinEntity.field_35039 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float AbstractPiglinEntity.field_35670 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Static Methods

AbstractPiglinEntity.adjustMovementForCollisions(entity, movement, entityBoundingBox, world, collisions) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.canMobSpawn(type, world, spawnReason, pos, random) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.canSpawnIgnoreLightLevel(type, world, spawnReason, pos, random) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.canSpawnInDark(type, world, spawnReason, pos, random) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.containsOnlyAmbientEffects(effects) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.createHostileAttributes() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.createLivingAttributes() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.createMobAttributes() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.getEquipmentForSlot(equipmentSlot, equipmentLevel) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.getPassengerDismountOffset(vehicleWidth, passengerWidth, passengerYaw) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.getPreferredEquipmentSlot(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.getRenderDistanceMultiplier() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.isSpawnDark(world, pos, random) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.positionInPortal(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.setRenderDistanceMultiplier(value) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


AbstractPiglinEntity(entityType, world) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Fields

userdata, ItemStack instance.activeItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.age This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.airStrafingSpeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.ambientSoundChance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, float[] instance.armorDropChances This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, PlayerEntity instance.attackingPlayer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.bodyTrackingIncrements This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.bodyYaw This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Brain instance.brain This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.collidedSoftly This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, DataTracker instance.dataTracker This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.dead This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.deathTime This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.defaultMaxHealth This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.despawnCounter This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.distanceTraveled This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.experiencePoints This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.fallDistance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.field_36331 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.field_6215 This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.firstUpdate This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Object2DoubleMap instance.fluidHeight This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.forwardSpeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, GoalSelector instance.goalSelector This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, float[] instance.handDropChances This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.handSwingProgress This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.handSwingTicks This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.handSwinging This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.headTrackingIncrements This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.headYaw This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.horizontalCollision This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.horizontalSpeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.hurtTime This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.ignoreCameraFrustum This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.inNetherPortal This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.inPowderSnow This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.intersectionChecked This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.itemUseTimeLeft This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, JumpControl instance.jumpControl This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.jumping This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.knockbackVelocity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.lastAttackedTicks This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.lastDamageTaken This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.lastHandSwingProgress This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.lastLimbDistance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, BlockPos instance.lastNetherPortalPosition This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.lastRenderX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.lastRenderY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.lastRenderZ This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.limbAngle This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.limbDistance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, LookControl instance.lookControl This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.lookDirection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.maxHurtTime This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, MoveControl instance.moveControl This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Vec3d instance.movementMultiplier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, EntityNavigation instance.navigation This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.netherPortalTime This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.noClip This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.onGround This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.playerHitTimer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Hand instance.preferredHand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.prevBodyYaw This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.prevHeadYaw This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.prevHorizontalSpeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.prevLookDirection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.prevPitch This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.prevStepBobbingAmount This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.prevX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.prevY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.prevYaw This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.prevZ This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, Random instance.random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.randomLargeSeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.randomSmallSeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.ridingCooldown This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.riptideTicks This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.roll This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.scoreAmount This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.serverHeadYaw This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.serverPitch This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.serverX This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.serverY This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.serverYaw This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, double instance.serverZ This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.sidewaysSpeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.speed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.stepBobbingAmount This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.stepHeight This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.stuckArrowTimer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.stuckStingerTimer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.submergedInWater This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, GoalSelector instance.targetSelector This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.timeInOverworld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
int instance.timeUntilRegen This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.touchingWater This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
number, float instance.upwardSpeed This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, UUID instance.uuid This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
string instance.uuidString This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.velocityDirty This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.velocityModified This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.verticalCollision This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.wasInPowderSnow This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
boolean instance.wasOnFire This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

instance:addAirTravelEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addFlapEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addPassenger(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addPowderSnowSlowIfNeeded() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addScoreboardTag(tag) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addSoulSpeedBoostIfNeeded() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addStatusEffect(effect, source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addStatusEffect(effect) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addVelocity(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:adjustMovementForPiston(movement) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:adjustMovementForSneaking(movement, type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getData(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTemporaryData(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setData(arg0, arg1) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setTemporaryData(arg0, arg1) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:animateDamage() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyArmorToDamage(source, amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyDamage(source, amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyDamageEffects(attacker, target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyEnchantmentsToDamage(source, amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyMirror(mirror) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyMovementEffects(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyMovementInput(movementInput, slipperiness) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyRotation(rotation) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:attachLeash(entity, sendPacket) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:attackLivingEntity(target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:attemptTickInVoid() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:baseTick() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:blockedByShield(source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:bypassesLandingEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:bypassesSteppingEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:calculateBoundingBox() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:calculateBoundsForPose(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:calculateDimensions() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:calculateNextStepSoundDistance() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canAddPassenger(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canAvoidTraps() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canBeControlledByRider() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canBeLeashedBy(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canBeRiddenInWater() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canBeSpectated(spectator) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canBreatheInWater() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canEquip(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canExplosionDestroyBlock(explosion, world, pos, state, explosionPower) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canFreeze() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canGather(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canHaveStatusEffect(effect) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canHunt() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canImmediatelyDespawn(distanceSquared) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canJumpToNextPathNode(type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canModifyAt(world, pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canMoveVoluntarily() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canPickUpLoot() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canPickupItem(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canSee(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canSpawn(world) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canSpawn(world, spawnReason) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canStartRiding(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canTakeDamage() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canTarget(type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canTarget(target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canUsePortals() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canUseRangedWeapon(weapon) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:canWalkOnFluid(fluidState) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:cannotBeSilenced() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:cannotDespawn() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:changeLookDirection(cursorDeltaX, cursorDeltaY) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:checkBlockCollision() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:checkDespawn() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:checkWaterState() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:clearActiveItem() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:clearGoalsAndTasks() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:clearPositionTarget() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:clearPotionSwirls() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:clearSleepingPosition() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:clearStatusEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:collides() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:collidesWith(other) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:collidesWithStateAtPos(pos, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:computeFallDamage(fallDistance, damageMultiplier) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:consumeItem() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:convertTo(entityType, keepEquipment) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:copyFrom(original) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:copyPositionAndRotation(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:createBodyControl() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:createBrainProfile() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:createNavigation(world) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:createSpawnPacket() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:damage(source, amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:damageArmor(source, amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:damageHelmet(source, amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:damageShield(amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:deserializeBrain(dynamic) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:detach() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:detachLeash(sendPacket, dropItem) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:discard() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dismountVehicle() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:displaySoulSpeedEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:distanceTo(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:doesNotCollide(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:doesRenderOnFire() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:drop(source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropEquipment(source, lootingMultiplier, allowDrops) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropInventory() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropItem(item, yOffset) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropItem(item) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropLoot(source, causedByPlayer) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropStack(stack, yOffset) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropStack(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropXp() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:eatFood(world, stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:emitGameEvent(event, pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:emitGameEvent(event, entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:emitGameEvent(event, entity, pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:emitGameEvent(event) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:enchantEquipment(power, slot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:enchantMainHandItem(power) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:endCombat() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:enterCombat() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:entityDataRequiresOperator() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:equals(o) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:equipLootStack(slot, stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:equipStack(slot, stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:extinguish() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fall(heightDifference, onGround, landedState, landedPosition) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAbsorptionAmount() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getActiveEyeHeight(pose, dimensions) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getActiveHand() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getActiveItem() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getActiveStatusEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getActivity() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAir() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAmbientSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getArmor() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getArmorItems() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getArmorVisibility() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getArrowType(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttackDistanceScalingFactor(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttacker() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttacking() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttributeBaseValue(attribute) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttributeInstance(attribute) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttributeValue(attribute) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getAttributes() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBaseMovementSpeedMultiplier() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockStateAtPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockX() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockY() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBlockZ() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBodyY(heightScale) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBoundingBox(pose) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBoundingBox() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBrain() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBrightnessAtEyes() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getBurningDuration() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getCameraBlockPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getCameraPosVec(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getChunkPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getClass() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getClientCameraPosVec(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getClimbingPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getCommandSource() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getCustomName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDamageTracker() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDataTracker() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDeathSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDefaultName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDefaultNetherPortalCooldown() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDespawnCounter() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDimensions(pose) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDisplayName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDrinkSound(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getDropChance(slot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEatSound(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEffectiveExplosionResistance(explosion, world, pos, blockState, fluidState, max) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEntityName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEntityWorld() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEquippedStack(slot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEyeHeight(pose) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEyeHeight(pose, dimensions) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEyePos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEyeY() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFallSounds() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFireTicks() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFirstPassenger() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFlag(index) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFluidHeight(fluid) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFreezingScale() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getFrozenTicks() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getGameEventHandler() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getGroup() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHandPosOffset(item) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHandSwingProgress(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHeadYaw() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHealth() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHeight() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHeightOffset() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHighSpeedSplashSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHoldingEntity() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHorizontalFacing() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHoverEvent() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getHurtSound(source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getId() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getItemUseTime() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getItemUseTimeLeft() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getItemsEquipped() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getItemsHand() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getJumpBoostVelocityModifier() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getJumpControl() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getJumpVelocity() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getJumpVelocityMultiplier() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLandingBlockState() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLandingPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLastAttackTime() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLastAttackedTime() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLeaningPitch(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLeashOffset() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLeashPos(delta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLerpedPos(delta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLimitPerChunk() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLookControl() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLootContextBuilder(causedByPlayer, source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLootTable() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLootTableId() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMainArm() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMainHandStack() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxAir() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxHeadRotation() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxHealth() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxLookPitchChange() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxLookYawChange() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMaxNetherPortalTime() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMinAmbientSoundDelay() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMinFreezeDamageTicks() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMountedHeightOffset() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMoveControl() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMoveEffect() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMovementDirection() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getMovementSpeed() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getNavigation() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getNextAirOnLand(air) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getNextAirUnderwater(air) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOffHandStack() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOppositeRotationVector(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOppositeRotationVector(pitch, yaw) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getParticleX(widthScale) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getParticleZ(widthScale) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPassengerList() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPassengersDeep() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPathfindingFavor(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPathfindingFavor(pos, world) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPathfindingPenalty(nodeType) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPermissionLevel() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPickBlockStack() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPistonBehavior() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPitch() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPitch(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPortalRect(destWorld, destPos, destIsNether, worldBorder) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPose() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPoses() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPositionTarget() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPositionTargetRange() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPrimaryPassenger() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPrimeAdversary() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRandom() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRandomBodyY() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRecentDamageSource() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRemovalReason() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRoll() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRootVehicle() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRotationClient() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRotationVec(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRotationVecClient() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRotationVector(pitch, yaw) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRotationVector() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRunFromLeashSpeed() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSafeFallDistance() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSavedEntityId() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getScaleFactor() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getScoreboardTags() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getScoreboardTeam() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getServer() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSleepingDirection() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSleepingPosition() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSoundCategory() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSoundPitch() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSoundVolume() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSplashSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStackInHand(hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStackReference(mappedIndex) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStandingEyeHeight() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStatusEffect(effect) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStatusEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStingerCount() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getStuckArrowCount() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSwimHeight() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getSwimSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTarget() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTargetingMargin() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTeamColorValue() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTeleportTarget(destination) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getTrackedPosition() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getType() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getUuid() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getUuidAsString() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getVehicle() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getVelocity() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getVelocityAffectingPos() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getVelocityMultiplier() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getVisibilityBoundingBox() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getVisibilityCache() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getWidth() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getWorld() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getX() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getXpToDrop(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getY() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getYaw() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getYaw(tickDelta) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:getZ() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:handleAttack(attacker) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:handleFallDamage(fallDistance, damageMultiplier, damageSource) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:handleStatus(status) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasCollidedSoftly(adjustedMovement) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasCustomName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasNetherPortalCooldown() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasNoDrag() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasNoGravity() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasPassenger(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasPassengerDeep(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasPassengerType(predicate) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasPassengers() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasPermissionLevel(permissionLevel) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasPlayerRider() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasPositionTarget() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasStackEquipped(slot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasStatusEffect(effect) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasVehicle() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hasWings() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hashCode() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:heal(amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:hurtByWater() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:initDataTracker() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:initEquipment(difficulty) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:initGoals() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:initialize(world, difficulty, spawnReason, entityData, entityNbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:interact(player, hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:interactAt(player, hitPos, hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:interactMob(player, hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAdult() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAffectedByDaylight() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAffectedBySplashPotions() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAiDisabled() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAlive() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAngryAt(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAttackable() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isAttacking() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isBaby() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isBlocking() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isClimbing() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isCollidable() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isConnectedThroughVehicle(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isCustomNameVisible() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isDead() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isDescending() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isDisallowedInPeaceful() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isFallFlying() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isFireImmune() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isFrozen() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isGlowing() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isGlowingLocal() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isHolding(predicate) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isHolding(item) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isHoldingOntoLadder() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isHoldingTool() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isImmobile() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isImmuneToExplosion() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isImmuneToZombification() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInLava() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInRange(other, radius) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInSneakingPose() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInSwimmingPose() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInWalkTargetRange() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInWalkTargetRange(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInsideWall() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInsideWaterOrBubbleColumn() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInvisible() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInvisibleTo(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInvulnerable() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInvulnerableTo(damageSource) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isLeashed() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isLeftHanded() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isLiving() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isLogicalSideForUpdatingMovement() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isMobOrPlayer() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isNavigating() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isOnFire() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isOnGround() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isOnSoulSpeedBlock() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isPartOf(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isPartOfGame() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isPersistent() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isPlayer() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isPushable() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isPushedByFluids() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isRegionUnloaded() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isRemoved() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSilent() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSleeping() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSneaking() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSneaky() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSpectator() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSprinting() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSubmergedIn(fluidTag) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSubmergedInWater() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isSwimming() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isTarget(entity, predicate) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isTeamPlayer(team) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isTeammate(other) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isTouchingWater() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isTouchingWaterOrRain() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isUndead() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isUsingItem() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isUsingRiptide() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:isWet() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:jump() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:kill() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:knockDownwards() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:knockback(target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:lookAt(anchorPoint, target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:lookAtEntity(targetEntity, maxYawChange, maxPitchChange) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:loot(item) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:markEffectsDirty() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:method_26317(d, bl, vec3d) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:mobTick() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:move(movementType, movement) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:moveToWorld(destination) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:movesIndependently() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notify() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:notifyAll() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:occludeVibrationSignals() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:offsetX(widthScale) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:offsetZ(widthScale) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onAttacking(target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onBlockCollision(state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onBubbleColumnCollision(drag) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onBubbleColumnSurfaceCollision(drag) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onDeath(source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onEatingGrass() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onEquipStack(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onKilledBy(adversary) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onKilledOther(world, other) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onLanding() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onPassengerLookAround(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onPlayerCollision(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onPlayerSpawnedChild(player, child) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onRemoved() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onSpawnPacket(packet) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStartedTrackingBy(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStatusEffectApplied(effect, source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStatusEffectRemoved(effect) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStatusEffectUpgraded(effect, reapplyEffect, source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStoppedTrackingBy(player) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStruckByLightning(world, lightning) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onSwimmingStart() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:onTrackedDataSet(data) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playAmbientSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playBlockFallSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playExtinguishSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playHurtSound(source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playSound(sound, volume, pitch) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playSpawnEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playStepSound(pos, state) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playSwimSound(volume) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playZombificationSound() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:populateCrashReport(section) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:positionInPortal(portalAxis, portalRect) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:prefersNewDamageableItem(newStack, oldStack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:prefersNewEquipment(newStack, oldStack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:processEquippedStack(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:pushAway(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:pushAwayFrom(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:pushOutOfBlocks(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:raycast(maxDistance, tickDelta, includeFluids) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:readCustomDataFromNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:readFromPacket(packet) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:readNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPosition() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPositionAfterTeleport(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPositionAfterTeleport(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPositionAndAngles(x, y, z, yaw, pitch) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPositionAndAngles(pos, yaw, pitch) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:remove(reason) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeAllPassengers() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeFromDimension() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removePassenger(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removePowderSnowSlow() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeScoreboardTag(tag) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeSoulSpeedBoost() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeStatusEffect(type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:removeStatusEffectInternal(type) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:requestTeleport(destX, destY, destZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:requestTeleportAndDismount(destX, destY, destZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:resetNetherPortalCooldown() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:resetPosition() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:saveNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:saveSelfNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:scheduleVelocityUpdate() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendAiDebugData() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendEquipmentBreakStatus(slot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendPickup(item, count) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendSystemMessage(message, sender) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendToolBreakStatus(hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAbsorptionAmount(amount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAiDisabled(aiDisabled) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAir(air) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAttacker(attacker) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAttacking(attacking) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setAttacking(attacking) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBaby(baby) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBodyYaw(bodyYaw) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setBoundingBox(boundingBox) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setCanPickUpLoot(canPickUpLoot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setChangeListener(changeListener) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setCurrentHand(hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setCustomName(name) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setCustomNameVisible(visible) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setDespawnCounter(despawnCounter) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setEquipmentDropChance(slot, chance) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setFireTicks(fireTicks) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setFlag(index, value) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setForwardSpeed(forwardSpeed) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setFrozenTicks(frozenTicks) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setGlowing(glowing) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setHeadYaw(headYaw) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setHealth(health) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setHoldingEntityId(id) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setId(id) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setImmuneToZombification(immuneToZombification) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setInNetherPortal(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setInPowderSnow(inPowderSnow) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setInvisible(invisible) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setInvulnerable(invulnerable) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setJumping(jumping) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setLeftHanded(leftHanded) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setLivingFlag(mask, value) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setMovementSpeed(movementSpeed) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setNearbySongPlaying(songPosition, playing) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setNoDrag(noDrag) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setNoGravity(noGravity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setOnFire(onFire) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setOnFireFor(seconds) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setOnFireFromLava() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setOnGround(onGround) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPathfindingPenalty(nodeType, penalty) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPersistent() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPitch(pitch) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPos(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPose(pose) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPosition(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPosition(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPositionTarget(target, range) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setRemoved(reason) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setRotation(yaw, pitch) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setSidewaysSpeed(sidewaysSpeed) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setSilent(silent) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setSleepingPosition(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setSneaking(sneaking) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setSprinting(sprinting) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStackInHand(hand, stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStatusEffect(effect, source) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStingerCount(stingerCount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStuckArrowCount(stuckArrowCount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setSwimming(swimming) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setTarget(target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setUpwardSpeed(upwardSpeed) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setUuid(uuid) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setVelocity(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setVelocity(velocity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setVelocityClient(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:setYaw(yaw) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldAlwaysDropXp() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldBroadcastConsoleToOps() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldDisplaySoulSpeedEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldDropLoot() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldDropXp() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldEscapePowderSnow() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldLeaveSwimmingPose() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldReceiveFeedback() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldRemoveSoulSpeedBoost(landingState) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldRender(distance) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldRender(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldRenderName() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldSave() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldSetPositionOnLoad() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldSpawnSprintingParticles() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldSwimInFluids() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldTrackOutput() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldZombify() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:sleep(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:slowMovement(state, multiplier) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:spawnConsumptionEffects(stack, particleCount) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:spawnSprintingParticles() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:spawnsTooManyForEachTry(count) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:squaredAttackRange(target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:squaredDistanceTo(vector) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:squaredDistanceTo(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:squaredDistanceTo(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:startRiding(entity, force) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:startRiding(entity) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:stopRiding() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:stopUsingItem() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:streamPassengersAndSelf() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:streamSelfAndPassengers() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:swimUpward(fluid) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:swingHand(hand) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:swingHand(hand, fromServerPlayer) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:takeKnockback(strength, x, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:takeShieldHit(attacker) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:teleport(destX, destY, destZ) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:teleport(x, y, z, particleEffects) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tick() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickCramming() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickHandSwing() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickInVoid() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickItemStackUsage(stack) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickMovement() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickNetherPortal() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickNetherPortalCooldown() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickNewAi() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickRiding() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickRiptide(a, b) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickStatusEffects() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toNbtList(values) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toNbtList(values) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:toString() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:travel(movementInput) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:triggerItemPickedUpByEntityCriteria(item) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tryAttack(target) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tryCheckBlockCollision() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tryEquip(equipment) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:turnHead(bodyRotation, headRotation) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:unsetRemoved() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateDespawnCounter() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateDropChances(slot) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateEnchantments(difficulty) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateForLeashLength(leashLength) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateGoalControls() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateKilledAdvancementCriterion(entityKilled, score, damageSource) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateLeash() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateLimbs(entity, flutter) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateMovementInFluid(tag, speed) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePassengerForDismount(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePassengerPosition(passenger) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePosition(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePositionAndAngles(x, y, z, yaw, pitch) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePostDeath() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePotionVisibility() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateSwimming() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateTrackedHeadRotation(yaw, interpolationSteps) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateTrackedPosition(pos) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateTrackedPosition(x, y, z) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateTrackedPositionAndAngles(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, interpolationSteps, interpolate) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateVelocity(speed, movementInput) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateWaterState() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wakeUp() This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wouldPoseNotCollide(pose) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:writeCustomDataToNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:writeNbt(nbt) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:zombify(world) This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"

Static Methods

AbstractPiglinEntity.adjustMovementForCollisions(entity, movement, entityBoundingBox, world, collisions)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • movement userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • entityBoundingBox userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • collisions userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.canMobSpawn(type, world, spawnReason, pos, random)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, EntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, WorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • spawnReason userdata, SpawnReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.canSpawnIgnoreLightLevel(type, world, spawnReason, pos, random)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, EntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, WorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • spawnReason userdata, SpawnReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.canSpawnInDark(type, world, spawnReason, pos, random)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, EntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, ServerWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • spawnReason userdata, SpawnReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effects userdata, Collection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, DefaultAttributeContainer$Builder This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, DefaultAttributeContainer$Builder This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, DefaultAttributeContainer$Builder This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.getEquipmentForSlot(equipmentSlot, equipmentLevel)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • equipmentSlot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • equipmentLevel int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.getPassengerDismountOffset(vehicleWidth, passengerWidth, passengerYaw)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • vehicleWidth number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • passengerWidth number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • passengerYaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
AbstractPiglinEntity.isSpawnDark(world, pos, random)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, ServerWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • random userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • value number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


AbstractPiglinEntity(entityType, world)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entityType userdata, EntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"

Instance Methods

This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tag string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:addStatusEffect(effect, source)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • source userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:addVelocity(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • deltaX number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • deltaY number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • deltaZ number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • movement userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:adjustMovementForSneaking(movement, type)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • movement userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • type userdata, MovementType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LuaValue This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LuaValue This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:setData(arg0, arg1)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • arg1 userdata, LuaValue This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setTemporaryData(arg0, arg1)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • arg1 userdata, LuaValue This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyArmorToDamage(source, amount)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyDamage(source, amount)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyDamageEffects(attacker, target)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attacker userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • target userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyEnchantmentsToDamage(source, amount)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • mirror userdata, BlockMirror This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:applyMovementInput(movementInput, slipperiness)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • movementInput userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • slipperiness number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • rotation userdata, BlockRotation This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:attachLeash(entity, sendPacket)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sendPacket boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • spectator userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:canExplosionDestroyBlock(explosion, world, pos, state, explosionPower)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • explosion userdata, Explosion This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, BlockView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • explosionPower number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • distanceSquared number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, PathNodeType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:canModifyAt(world, pos)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, WorldView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:canSpawn(world, spawnReason)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, WorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • spawnReason userdata, SpawnReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, EntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • weapon userdata, RangedWeaponItem This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • fluidState userdata, FluidState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:changeLookDirection(cursorDeltaX, cursorDeltaY)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • cursorDeltaX number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cursorDeltaY number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • other userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:collidesWithStateAtPos(pos, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:computeFallDamage(fallDistance, damageMultiplier)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • fallDistance number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • damageMultiplier number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:convertTo(entityType, keepEquipment)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entityType userdata, EntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • keepEquipment boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, MobEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • original userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BodyControl This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Brain$Profile This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityNavigation This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Packet This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:damage(source, amount)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:damageArmor(source, amount)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:damageHelmet(source, amount)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • dynamic userdata, Dynamic This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Brain This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:detachLeash(sendPacket, dropItem)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • sendPacket boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • dropItem boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:doesNotCollide(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • offsetX number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • offsetY number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • offsetZ number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropEquipment(source, lootingMultiplier, allowDrops)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • lootingMultiplier int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • allowDrops boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropItem(item, yOffset)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, ItemConvertible This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yOffset int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, ItemConvertible This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropLoot(source, causedByPlayer)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • causedByPlayer boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:dropStack(stack, yOffset)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yOffset number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:eatFood(world, stack)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:emitGameEvent(event, pos)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • event userdata, GameEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:emitGameEvent(event, entity)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • event userdata, GameEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:emitGameEvent(event, entity, pos)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • event userdata, GameEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • event userdata, GameEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:enchantEquipment(power, slot)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • power number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • power number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • o userdata, Object This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:equipLootStack(slot, stack)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:equipStack(slot, stack)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:fall(heightDifference, onGround, landedState, landedPosition)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • heightDifference number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • onGround boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • landedState userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • landedPosition userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getActiveEyeHeight(pose, dimensions)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pose userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • dimensions userdata, EntityDimensions This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Map This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, PiglinActivity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Iterable This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attribute userdata, EntityAttribute This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attribute userdata, EntityAttribute This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityAttributeInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attribute userdata, EntityAttribute This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, AttributeContainer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • heightScale number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pose userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Brain This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ChunkPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Class This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Optional This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ServerCommandSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, DamageTracker This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, DataTracker This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pose userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityDimensions This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEffectiveExplosionResistance(explosion, world, pos, blockState, fluidState, max)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • explosion userdata, Explosion This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, BlockView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • blockState userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • fluidState userdata, FluidState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • max number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pose userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getEyeHeight(pose, dimensions)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pose userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • dimensions userdata, EntityDimensions This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LivingEntity$FallSounds This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • index int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • fluid userdata, TagKey This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityGameEventHandler This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityGroup This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, HoverEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Iterable This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Iterable This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, JumpControl This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • delta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • delta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LookControl This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getLootContextBuilder(causedByPlayer, source)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • causedByPlayer boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LootContext$Builder This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Identifier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Identifier This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Arm This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, MoveControl This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity$MoveEffect This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityNavigation This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • air int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • air int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getOppositeRotationVector(pitch, yaw)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • widthScale number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • widthScale number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, List This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Iterable This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPathfindingFavor(pos, world)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • world userdata, WorldView This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nodeType userdata, PathNodeType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, PistonBehavior This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getPortalRect(destWorld, destPos, destIsNether, worldBorder)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • destWorld userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destPos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destIsNether boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • worldBorder userdata, WorldBorder This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Optional This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ImmutableList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Random This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity$RemovalReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec2f This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:getRotationVector(pitch, yaw)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Set This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, AbstractTeam This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, MinecraftServer This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Direction This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Optional This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundCategory This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • mappedIndex int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, StackReference This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffect This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Collection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • destination userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, TeleportTarget This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, UUID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, MobVisibilityCache This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, World This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attacker userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:handleFallDamage(fallDistance, damageMultiplier, damageSource)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • fallDistance number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • damageMultiplier number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • damageSource userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • status int, byte This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • adjustedMovement userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • predicate userdata, Predicate This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • permissionLevel int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffect This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • difficulty userdata, LocalDifficulty This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:initialize(world, difficulty, spawnReason, entityData, entityNbt)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, ServerWorldAccess This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • difficulty userdata, LocalDifficulty This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • spawnReason userdata, SpawnReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • entityData userdata, EntityData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • entityNbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, EntityData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:interact(player, hand)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ActionResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:interactAt(player, hitPos, hand)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • hitPos userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ActionResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:interactMob(player, hand)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, ActionResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • predicate userdata, Predicate This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, Item This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:isInRange(other, radius)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • other userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • radius number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • damageSource userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • fluidTag userdata, TagKey This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:isTarget(entity, predicate)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • predicate userdata, TargetPredicate This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • team userdata, AbstractTeam This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • other userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:lookAt(anchorPoint, target)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • anchorPoint userdata, EntityAnchorArgumentType$EntityAnchor This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • target userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:lookAtEntity(targetEntity, maxYawChange, maxPitchChange)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • targetEntity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxYawChange number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • maxPitchChange number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, ItemEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:method_26317(d, bl, vec3d)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • d number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • bl boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • vec3d userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:move(movementType, movement)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • movementType userdata, MovementType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • movement userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • destination userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • widthScale number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • widthScale number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • drag boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • drag boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • adversary userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:onKilledOther(world, other)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • other userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:onPlayerSpawnedChild(player, child)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • child userdata, MobEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • packet userdata, EntitySpawnS2CPacket This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStatusEffectApplied(effect, source)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • source userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStatusEffectUpgraded(effect, reapplyEffect, source)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • reapplyEffect boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • source userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • player userdata, ServerPlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:onStruckByLightning(world, lightning)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • lightning userdata, LightningEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • data userdata, TrackedData This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • source userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:playSound(sound, volume, pitch)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • sound userdata, SoundEvent This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • volume number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:playStepSound(pos, state)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • volume number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • section userdata, CrashReportSection This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:positionInPortal(portalAxis, portalRect)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • portalAxis userdata, Direction$Axis This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • portalRect userdata, BlockLocating$Rectangle This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:prefersNewDamageableItem(newStack, oldStack)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • newStack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • oldStack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:prefersNewEquipment(newStack, oldStack)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • newStack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • oldStack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:pushOutOfBlocks(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:raycast(maxDistance, tickDelta, includeFluids)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • maxDistance number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • tickDelta number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • includeFluids boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, HitResult This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • packet userdata, MobSpawnS2CPacket This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPositionAfterTeleport(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPositionAndAngles(x, y, z, yaw, pitch)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:refreshPositionAndAngles(pos, yaw, pitch)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • reason userdata, Entity$RemovalReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tag string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, StatusEffect This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • type userdata, StatusEffect This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:requestTeleport(destX, destY, destZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • destX number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destY number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destZ number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:requestTeleportAndDismount(destX, destY, destZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • destX number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destY number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destZ number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendPickup(item, count)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • count int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:sendSystemMessage(message, sender)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • message userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • sender userdata, UUID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • amount number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • aiDisabled boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • air int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attacker userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attacking userdata, PlayerEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attacking boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • baby boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • bodyYaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • boundingBox userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • canPickUpLoot boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • changeListener userdata, EntityChangeListener This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • name userdata, Text This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • visible boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • despawnCounter int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setEquipmentDropChance(slot, chance)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • chance number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • fireTicks int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setFlag(index, value)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • index int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • value boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • forwardSpeed number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • frozenTicks int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • glowing boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • headYaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • health number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • id int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • id int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • immuneToZombification boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • inPowderSnow boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • invisible boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • invulnerable boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • jumping boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • leftHanded boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setLivingFlag(mask, value)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • mask int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • value boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • movementSpeed number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setNearbySongPlaying(songPosition, playing)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • songPosition userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • playing boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • noDrag boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • noGravity boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • onFire boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • seconds int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • onGround boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPathfindingPenalty(nodeType, penalty)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nodeType userdata, PathNodeType This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • penalty number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPos(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pose userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPosition(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setPositionTarget(target, range)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • range int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • reason userdata, Entity$RemovalReason This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setRotation(yaw, pitch)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • sidewaysSpeed number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • silent boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • sneaking boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • sprinting boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStackInHand(hand, stack)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setStatusEffect(effect, source)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • effect userdata, StatusEffectInstance This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • source userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stingerCount int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stuckArrowCount int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • swimming boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • upwardSpeed number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • uuid userdata, UUID This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setVelocity(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • velocity userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:setVelocityClient(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • landingState userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • distance number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:shouldRender(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • cameraX number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cameraY number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • cameraZ number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, BlockPos This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:slowMovement(state, multiplier)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • state userdata, BlockState This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • multiplier userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:spawnConsumptionEffects(stack, particleCount)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • particleCount int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • count int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • vector userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:squaredDistanceTo(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:startRiding(entity, force)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • force boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Stream This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Stream This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • fluid userdata, TagKey This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:swingHand(hand, fromServerPlayer)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • hand userdata, Hand This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • fromServerPlayer boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:takeKnockback(strength, x, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • strength number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • attacker userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:teleport(destX, destY, destZ)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • destX number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destY number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • destZ number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:teleport(x, y, z, particleEffects)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • particleEffects boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • stack userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:tickRiptide(a, b)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • a userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • b userdata, Box This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • values userdata, double[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • values userdata, float[] This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtList This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


string This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • movementInput userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • item userdata, ItemEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • target userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • equipment userdata, ItemStack This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
instance:turnHead(bodyRotation, headRotation)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • bodyRotation number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • headRotation number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • slot userdata, EquipmentSlot This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • difficulty userdata, LocalDifficulty This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • leashLength number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateKilledAdvancementCriterion(entityKilled, score, damageSource)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entityKilled userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • score int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • damageSource userdata, DamageSource This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateLimbs(entity, flutter)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • entity userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • flutter boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateMovementInFluid(tag, speed)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • tag userdata, TagKey This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • speed number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, LivingEntity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • passenger userdata, Entity This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePosition(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:updatePositionAndAngles(x, y, z, yaw, pitch)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateTrackedHeadRotation(yaw, interpolationSteps)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • interpolationSteps int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pos userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateTrackedPosition(x, y, z)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateTrackedPositionAndAngles(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, interpolationSteps, interpolate)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • x number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • y number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • z number, double This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • yaw number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • pitch number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • interpolationSteps int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • interpolate boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
instance:updateVelocity(speed, movementInput)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • speed number, float This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • movementInput userdata, Vec3d This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
instance:wait(arg0, arg1)
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • arg0 int, long This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
  • arg1 int This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • pose userdata, EntityPose This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


boolean This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • nbt userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"


userdata, NbtCompound This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @return DESCRIPTION"
This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "--- @method m_id DESCRIPTION"


  • world userdata, ServerWorld This description should be content pulled from the comments above a method in a lua file. Format: "-- @param varName DESCRIPTION"