

net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.AbstractCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.AbstractCriterionConditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.BeeNestDestroyedCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.BredAnimalsCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.BrewedPotionCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ChangedDimensionCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ChanneledLightningCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.InventoryChangedCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EffectsChangedCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlayerHurtEntityCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TickCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlacedBlockCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.SlideDownBlockCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ConsumeItemCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.StartedRidingCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.UsingItemCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.LocationArrivalCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ConstructBeaconCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.BredAnimalsCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.VillagerTradeCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlayerInteractedWithEntityCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.LightningStrikeCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ImpossibleCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ThrownItemPickedUpByEntityCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ItemUsedOnBlockCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.OnKilledCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TameAnimalCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.KilledByCrossbowCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ShotCrossbowCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.FilledBucketCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.LevitationCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.RecipeUnlockedCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.BrewedPotionCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.SummonedEntityCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EntityHurtPlayerCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TargetHitCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TravelCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.UsedTotemCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.UsedEnderEyeCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlayerGeneratesContainerLootCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.CuredZombieVillagerCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EnchantedItemCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ChanneledLightningCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ItemDurabilityChangedCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EnterBlockCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.BeeNestDestroyedCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ChangedDimensionCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.FishingRodHookedCriterion$Conditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.Criterion$ConditionsContainer This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ConstructBeaconCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ConsumeItemCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.Criteria This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.Criterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.CriterionConditions This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.CriterionProgress This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.CuredZombieVillagerCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EffectsChangedCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EnchantedItemCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EnterBlockCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.EntityHurtPlayerCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.FilledBucketCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.FishingRodHookedCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ImpossibleCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.InventoryChangedCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ItemDurabilityChangedCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ItemUsedOnBlockCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.KilledByCrossbowCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.LevitationCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.LightningStrikeCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.LocationArrivalCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.OnKilledCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlacedBlockCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlayerGeneratesContainerLootCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlayerHurtEntityCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.PlayerInteractedWithEntityCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.RecipeUnlockedCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ShotCrossbowCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.SlideDownBlockCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.StartedRidingCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.SummonedEntityCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TameAnimalCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TargetHitCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.ThrownItemPickedUpByEntityCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TickCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.TravelCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.UsedEnderEyeCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.UsedTotemCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.UsingItemCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.
net.minecraft.advancement.criterion.VillagerTradeCriterion This description should be content pulled from the first comments of a lua file.